Extending fpm with plugins

Extending fpm with plugins

The Fortran package manager has a plugin system which allows to easily extend its functionality. This tutorial will show how to install a plugin with fpm and use it.

Registry search tool

The fpm-search project is a plugin to query the package registry. Since it is built with fpm we can easily install it on our system with

git clone https://github.com/urbanjost/fpm-search
cd fpm-search
fpm install --profile release

This will install the fpm-search binary to ~/.local/bin (or %APPDATA%\local\bin on Windows).


Ensure that the installed binary is in the PATH, i.e. run

which fpm-search

If no binary is found, add the directory to your path using

Default settings for the bash shell can be found in the .bashrc file in the home directory, to append to the PATH following the instructions below.

echo 'export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/.local/bin' >> ~/.bashrc
. ~/.bashrc

Make sure to source your .bashrc after changing it, otherwise the change will not be applied to the current shell.

Default settings for the zsh shell can be found in the .zshrc file in the home directory, to append to the PATH use

echo 'export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/.local/bin' >> ~/.zshrc
exec zsh

Make sure to restart zsh after changing the .zshrc it, otherwise the change will not be applied to the current shell.

The PATH variable can be modified using the pathman program from the cmd prompt

pathman /au %APPDATA%\local\bin

Now with a working installation we can invoke our new plugin from fpm.

❯ fpm search
Downloading registry ... https://github.com/fortran-lang/fpm-registry/raw/master/index.json

Note that we use fpm search rather than fpm-search in the command. To find a package for building a command-line interface we can now type

❯ fpm search commandline
M_CLI : Unix-style commandline parsing using a prototype command and NAMELIST (STD:f2008)
M_CLI2 : Unix-style commandline parsing using a prototype command

To use one of the packages in our manifest we can generate the necessary dependency line by running

❯ fpm search --toml M_CLI2
M_CLI2 = { git = "https://github.com/urbanjost/M_CLI2" }

Adding this line to a package manifest allows to depend on the respective project.


In this tutorial you learned how to

  • installing an fpm plugin

  • use the fpm-search plugin to query the registry

  • generate a dependency entry from a query result